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Weekly Round Up - Hospital Pack List

I had a quick visit to the hospital recently for some monitoring on our little Wallace/ Wallis (backstory on the name – since we don’t know what we are having, we like to be able to give the baby a nickname instead of saying “it” all the time. We pick a name that we think is fun and cute, but a little too out there to be their actual name. Sterling’s prenatal nickname was Meriwether.)

Turns out, Wallace is just fine and I benefitted from a long afternoon of peace and quiet while we watched heartrates and contractions. The unexpected visit was a reality check that we better have all our ducks in a row for a hospital stay very soon.

I thought it’d be fun to share my hospital bag packing list. I know there are about a million of these blog posts out there. Well, here is another one… My packing strategy comes with some experience from our first go around, and is influenced by a few things I’m particular about (like bringing my own hospital gown).

Products by number shared below post

For Matt & I

  • Snacks and beverages (Especially important these days. Depending on the hospital, some don’t let you leave once you check in!)

  • Hospital gown. They of course provide this for you – but I like to bring my own that’s new and clean, and I know I’m the only one who’s worn it. It’s also just a bit cuter than what’s issued – inevitably there will be photos taken in it.

  • Nightgown/s – you’ll be wearing these for the majority of your stay. Pick soft options that button down in the front for nursing

  • Leggings and sweats

  • Long cardigan sweaters – I'm not much of a robe person but it’s usually cold in the hospital and once again, cardigans are easy layers for nursing

  • Slippers/ flip flops

  • Your own shampoo/ conditioner

  • Makeup & toiletries

  • Book/ magazines/ laptop

  • PJs and toiletries for your spouse/ labor partner

  • Roller bag (not a weekender) – Some hospitals have you changing rooms frequently from triage to delivery to postpartum. It’s easier to have one bag that rolls with you verses a few different bags that need to be toted back and forth. I pack for all of us in this bag: Myself, Matt and the baby.

  • Pillows – Not something I brought with me the first time around, but after my brief stay in triage, I told Matt that I think we should each bring a pillow from home with our own soft linens.

  • Breast pump

For the baby

  • A couple simple baby outfits + hats – 2 or 3 will suffice. I recommend simple, soft colored outfits without loud prints since you’ll be taking tons of photos in the initial days. Choose outfits that aren't too busy and let the attention focus on the baby.

  • Socks and mittens – Sterling never really needed mittens, but they take up practically no space in the bag and could come in handy this time.

  • Receiving blankets – different than swaddles, they are thicker, softer, usually made of a fleecy material. The hospital will likely swaddle the baby in their own receiving blankets, but I find they’re not very cute and often stiff from hospital laundering. Kind of like hospital gowns… I just prefer to bring my own. (Many initial photos will be taken with these blankets, so it’s nice to pick what your baby will be wrapped in)

  • Going home outfit.

What I don’t bring:

  • Diapers

  • Wipes

  • Diaper cream

  • Disposable underwear (self)

  • Bottles

  • Burp cloths

These are all things the hospital provides for you or you simply won’t need during the 24-48 hour stay.

My thoughts on some commonly recommended items Music/ playlist/ Bluetooth speaker – with Sterling we were at the hospital for four days… a long time in today’s standards. Not once did we have an opportunity to pop on some tunes. We were either busy laboring, talking with someone on staff about something, getting tests done, or trying to sleep. The in between time of just hanging out was minimal and while I love the idea of playing some of my favorite songs to create a better atmosphere, it was something we just didn’t get around to.

Essential oil diffuser – Another thing I love the idea of, but when it comes down to it, this is just one more thing to pack back up and likely not have used. You can use some favorite oils in a lotion, diffuser beads, or linen spray. Just be careful of use once the baby arrives.

Diaper bag – I find it’s easier to keep all our belongings in one bag. A diaper bag to me is just one more thing to pack up and haul out at discharge and anything the bag would carry is likely already provided by the hospital.

Pictured items

  1. I love the vintage style roller bags and since the look has become more popular, they're easy to find in multiple sizes, colors and price points. This one is from a company called CO-Z.

  2. One of my guilty pleasures is splurging on a shampoo/ conditioner set for travel. It's also a great way to test new products. Olaplex has become one of my favorite brands.

  3. Both hospital gowns are from Amazon - The floral one is more of a traditional cut and fabric. The navy gown is a softer t-shirt material.

  4. This nightgown is nice and thick for warmth, but cute enough that I'll wear it once we're back home too.

  5. I was not a huge fan of the Medela pump (ok I hated it). The Willow came highly recommended from friends and it's one of the things I splurged on as an upgrade for this baby.

  6. This is our going home outfit for Wallis. Gender neutral, simply style and cozy for this winter babe.

  7. Picking all one color for things like socks and mittens can help save your sanity down the road from matching them back together after laundry


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