photo from designer Amy Berry
What’s with the new name?
I came across the term Grand Millennial (or Grandmillennial) a couple weeks ago and had that big “ah ha!” moment. It was first coined by the magazine House Beautiful a few years back. It encompasses a design and décor style that favors its influence from the past. It sort of single handedly put a name on everything I’ve gravitated to for as long as I can remember.
What is Grand Millennial style?
I’m so glad that you asked! (well, you didn’t, but… you know…) Grand Millennial, sometimes called “New Traditional” is an updated approach to your grandmother’s style. It’s "classically informed" fabrics, prints, lines, and details and adding just a hint of today’s touch to make it feel a little younger and less stuffy.
Plastic couch protectors need not apply.
Think wicker furniture, ruffled pillows, old oil paintings in gold frames, floral prints, wallpaper, plaids, and chinoiserie.
photo from The Fox Group
photo from designer Amy Berry
I am well aware that my preference in style is not for the majority out there. In a sea of open floor concepts, boho and modern styles, I often feel like I’m swimming upstream… carrying Nana’s china and her prized Wedgwood collection with me.
From the time that I found my mom’s Sears & Roebuck charm school curriculum, I fell in love with the idea of keeping memories alive with mementos and nostalgic decorations. New is not always better or improved. Yesterday holds more dinners together, less screen time, more phone calls, knowing your neighbors a little better, and (my favorite) a formality in daily life that is largely lost on everyone today.
Please don’t get me wrong, I completely appreciate many efficiencies we are lucky to have around today. Most days I can be found in some version of loungewear, though admittedly, I have been on the hunt for the perfect house dress for a while now. And while I do love the idea of a "Great room" where everyone can congregate around a large kitchen island with snacks and share their days, in my personal experience, the reality is that kids come with a lot of stuff and mess. If I’m in the kitchen working on dinner, it’s likely a decompressing moment for me away from the chaos. I also often have clients and guests over when I don’t have time to clean up my kitchen. It works for us to be able to close the room off and focus on sitting in a parlor-like setting and catch up together rather than me be distracted with the dishes sitting in the sink. I love having a formal side of our house that is free from distractions like a TV.
The more I got to thinking about the Grand Millennial, the more I started thinking of it as a way of life instead of just a style. Of course wanting to add a personal spin for the blog (and some ease in locking down a new URL), "The Grand Milly," for short seemed more than fitting. The nickname (also our cat's name) feels like grandma would put her stamp of approval right on this blog... if only it were printed in a magazine.
I’m excited to continue this blog under the lens of the Grand Millennial lifestyle - still sharing house projects, décor ideas, recipes and favorite things that are largely repurposed from inspiration found in family cookbooks, heirlooms, passed down traditions.
Welcome to the Grand Milly.